With another State election on the cards, it's likely environmental management will be increasingly in the spotlight over the coming months. If ever there was a time to review yours, this is it!
Following a Four Corners report on the widespread unregulated dumping of materials designated for recycling, the Queensland Government is launching an investigation into waste transport in the state. This is likely to be just the beginning.
Environmental Management System Queensland
Therefore it is extremely important for businesses to ensure they have a solid and reportable environmental management system in place. Most organisations have some sort of system, but is it enough? The best advice is to consider an ISO Environmental Management System Queensland.
ISO management systems are amongst the best researched, and most effective. This could be because they are written by a committee of global experts. Or because they are regularly reviewed. Or because they are accredited.
Assess, Monitor and Manage
They not only put the framework in place to effectively manage an organisation's environmental impact, but allow business owners to assess, monitor and manage risk. It is an accountable system which is well received by the public, and by government bodies.
A key part of the system's success is Environmental Management Systems training. All ISO systems place great importance on strong leadership, and well informed employees. Communication is a vital part of this scenario.
Environmental Management System Certification
An ISO Environmental Management System Queensland will help you meet your statutory requirements, reducing red tape and stress. It will also help reduce duplication and documentation.
That's the cake if you like. The icing on top is that ISO systems almost always help organisations reduce their costs, increase output and boost profits.
Successfully achieving environmental management system certification is a major marketing tool. It will boost your reputation greatly, and make you the go-to for your particularly product or service.
So, you could take action now and be prepared, or you could wait. But remember, action is always preferable to Reaction!